Nina Bargiel (slackmistress)

My mom said I came out of the womb holding a pencil. I bet that was painful.

I've been writing online since 1997 and creating kids/tween/teen media since 2000. I've developed shows with Disney Channel, Disney TV Animation, Cartoon Network, Hasbro, and Nickelodeon. Currently, I'm working on Welliewishers for American Girl/MATTEL,  developing an animated show with One Race (Vin Diesel's company, FAMILY4LYFE!),  as well as pitching a couple of SUPER SECRET PROJECTS that hopefully you will hear about. Soon.

I live in Santa Monica with my husband Will Stegemann, the creator of A Year of Billy Joel, and our 10-year-old pit bull Olive. (RIP Daisy J. Dog.)

I drive a pink Mini Cooper. No, really. I've also run a Tough Mudder, two Spartan Races, and three marathons because I hate being told I can't do something.

Yes, I have blue hair.

I'm repped by Samantha Slan at Slanted Wheel Management and Lee Keele and David Rubin at Gersh.

You can email me here. But don't be weird, mmkay?